Thursday, January 27, 2011

A Visit From Papa

My Dad came out to visit us on January 3rd-7th.  He said he missed his grandaughter and couldn't wait until March when we come out to Utah to see her.  How sweet is that?  So, my mom gave him tickets for Christmas and out he came!  We really didn't do anything too exciting, but it was so nice just to have time with my Dad.  I did take him down to Arthur and he loved seeing the Amish farms.  We also got to go to dinner with my cousin Bruce and his wife Brittney who have lived in Champaign for the last 4 1/2 years.  They moved to Pennsylvania shortly after my Dad was here so it was nice to spend some time with them before they left.

Bruce and Brittney
 Ava and her Papa

My Dad is such an incredible man and a great example to me of faith, hard work, learning, love and so many other things.  We had a great time and can't wait for another visit!


the Kates said...

your dad is so great! I am glad you got to have a visit with him. P.S. the photo of Ava on the right is TOOOO cute. Probably my favorite, Mrs. Dokos.

Kasi French said...

I love the visit from Papa! So fun ... Ava is adorable! I vote for a March meeting with her!!