Thursday, January 27, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Christmas 2010 was so merry!  We were able to stay home and celebrate the birth of our Savior with our little family.  It seemed even more special this year with Ava in our home.  Even though she obviously had no idea what was going on, Drew and I sure had a fun time celebrating with her.  Here are some pictures of our celebrations.

Drew and Ava getting ready to open the presents
Every year I give Drew something "bacon-themed" because the man is seriously obsessed with bacon.  This year he got bacon and bacon-cheddar flavored microwave popcorn.  A word to the wise: Never, ever purchase this product for yourself.  Unfortunately, Drew decided to pop some and it made our house stink like you wouldn't believe, not to mention it tasted disgusting.  A funny gift perhaps, but not suitable for human consumption. 
 Ava with all of her loot.  Pretty spoiled for a 3 month old, wouldn't you say?  The funny thing is that I only bought a few of those gifts.  Most were from generous family and friends.
 Drew's loot
 Aubrey's loot.  (Aren't I brave for posting such an awful picture of myself?  Who takes the time to look in a mirror on Christmas morning anyway?)
 The traditional Christmas brunch.  (Sorry that the picture is so blury for some reason).  We had cinnamon buns, eggs, bacon (of course), hasbrowns, orange juice and egg nog (for me).  Drew actually went to Walgreens to buy me some egg nog because he knew how much I loved it.  What a nice husband I have!
 We had a gorgeous snowfall on Christmas Eve so we got all bundled up after brunch and took some pictures of our white Christmas.  Drew's Aunt Debbie made Ava and I these matching hats. 
While I was working on breakfast we were listening to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas CD and Drew was playing with Ava.  I could hear her laughing from the other room so I just had to take a video. 

Now if that doesn't just bring Christmas cheer to your heart, I don't know what will!

Our Chritmas gifts to each other were a little small this year because my sweet husband decided that our gift to each other should be an airplane ticket to Utah in March for me to go visit my sister when she has her baby.  I am so grateful to be married to such a selfless and giving man.  I am so blessed!


the Kates said...

That video brought me Christmas cheer! It looks like you had a perfect Christmas!

Team Shelton said...

Have you ever heard of 'Baconnise?' It's bacon flavored mayonnaise? If not, there's you're gift for next year....and actually the web site also sells a bunch of other bacon flavored items. yuck!

p.s love the blog :)

p.s.s I didn't know you were a SAHM? Lucky you!