Monday, September 12, 2011

July Tidbits

Here are a few random tidbits from July that are worth documenting:
 Ava started pulling herself up to standing.  Here she is on July 9th.  Such a big girl! 
Then, on July 17th I went to get Ava up in the morning and this is what I saw.  I was so shocked!  Even though I knew she was capable of this because she could stand up OUTSIDE of her crib, I just wasn't mentally prepared to see my baby standing INSIDE her crib!  Needless to say we moved her mattress down to it's lowest position that night!

And, although some of you might consider scolding Drew and I for torturing our poor child in this way, I just had to include a video of one of Drew's favorite things to do with Ava.  It is quite entertaining, if I do say so myself.  Enjoy (and don't judge too harshly)!


Whitney said...

Cute!! Are you still babysitting that dog? Or did you get one of your own?

Kori said...

The video cracks me up! It is such a Daddy thing. I love it!