Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Bear Lake/Ava's First Camping Trip

For my birthday this year I got to go and spend a couple of weeks in Utah with my family.  Ava and I flew in late on the night of July 22nd and then drove up to Bear Lake the next morning with Michelle's family.  After a long (and beautiful) drive that included an unfortunate car breakdown, we met up with the rest of the gang at Rendezvous Beach.  While growing up my mom's family had their annual family reunion at Rendezvous Beach every year but we had to change locations when the family got too big.  I hadn't been back there since and I have tons of great memories there so it was a dream come true to get to go back!  My dad rented a couple of jet skis and we spent the day playing in the water and relaxing on the beach.
 Lily and Ava.  She LOVES to hold Ava, and Ava certainly loves the attention!
 Grant spent pretty much the whole day in the sand.  He loved it!
 Ava and her grandma.  As you can see, pretty much all of northern Utah was at Bear Lake that day, but luckily my parents scored us a great spot and we pretty much just camped it there all day long.
 Too cute not to include . . . 
 Jetta and Lily made a pie for Ava
 Life doesn't get much better than hanging out on Rendezvous Beach with my family 
 Harris was all tuckered out from all the fun in the sun
 Look at those sandy feet!
 Ava and her Papa
 Jake decided to be a typical older brother and play a prank on poor Austin as he slept
 He actually slept like this for quite a while before waking up and realizing something was in his mouth
 Pretty little Laurel
 Laurel and Ava hanging out at camp while we got dinner ready
 My sweet little camper
 Austin enthusiastically showing off all the tents
Grant helping cook the yummy corn for dinner

Ava was a champion camper.  I was a little nervous because it actually got pretty cold over night, but she slept soundly all night long.  Not much phases that little girl!  On Sunday we drove to the town where my mom grew up, Randolph, to go to church.  It brought back so many great memories of going to church there when I was little when we were visiting my grandparents.  
My parents with all of their grand kids in front of the beautiful church

We then went to the cemetery and visited the graves of my mom's family and had a great time telling stories about those wonderful people.   Then we headed back to camp, had an awesome lunch, packed up and headed home!  It was so great to get to go back to Bear Lake and spend such a fun weekend with my family.  Hopefully we get to go back someday and do it again with Drew.  We all decided he would be so much fun on a jet ski!

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