Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Arthur, IL Fireworks Show

On July 2nd we made the short trip down south to Arthur, IL for their famous fireworks show.  We had heard that it was one of the best around, and we weren't disappointed!  We went down early and did a little shopping in our favorite Amish shops, of course, and then went and staked out our spot in the high school baseball diamond to watch the show.
 Waiting for the show to start
 Ava showing off her latest trick - giving wet, slobbery kisses!
 Notice that storm brewing in the background?  
Read on . . . 
 These last three pictures were taken of three different fireworks that went off all in a row.  The reason the middle picture is so light is that at the exact moment that I took the picture of the firework going off, a huge flash of lightning lit up the sky and that's how my picture turned out.  Pretty cool, eh?
One of the reasons that the Arthur fireworks show is so famous is this.  It's a fireworks waterfall and it is quite impressive!  It started out as huge pillars of flame that lit a huge rope on fire and then fireworks just start pouring over the rope and it literally looks like a waterfall.  Pretty awesome!

Throughout the whole show the weather was getting worse and worse with more and more thunder and lightening.  Right after it got over we rushed into the car which was luckily parked right behind where we were sitting (Drew's handicapped parking permit sure does come in handy at things like this) and literally as soon as we were all inside the car it started POURING!  It rained the whole way home and we never even got wet! A good time had by all! 

1 comment:

Daniel Stone said...

Hooray for an update! This sounds so fun. We are going to have to join you guys next year. Yes, I am inviting myself. You know how I feel about Arthur!