Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ava Update

My little baby girl is 5 months old!  I know everyone always says this, but I really can't believe how fast the time has gone by!  Here are a few of the latest pictures of our Ava girl.

All gussied up and ready for church on her 5 Month "Birthday" (the picture is blurry because I took it on my ipod - my camera is on the fritz.  Not good for a mom who is slightly obsessed with photographing her baby)
We went for a walk last week.  I was getting cabin fever and might have pushed the season a little bit because it was still pretty chilly, but we had a good time and Ava looked darling in the little apple hat my friend RoseAnna made her.
Ava is an on-again/off-again thumb sucker.  She loves her pacifier but will sometimes spit it out and suck her thumb.  I think it's pretty sweet - for now.
Ava is a very happy baby.  It's so easy to get her to smile and she has the cutest little giggle in the whole wide world.  It pretty much makes my heart happy every time I hear it. 
Here's a little video of her playing on her exersaucer - it's not all that exciting but I, of course, think it's adorable.
 This is Ava at four months.

At her four month appointment Ava weighed 13 lbs. 15 oz (56th Percentile) and was 25 1/4 inches long (80th Percentile).  She loves to play with toys on her playmat and bouncer and loves her Johnny Jump Up and exersaucer (as you can see from the video above).  She still sometimes pretends like she doesn't know how to roll over but then other times she will do it over and over again.  Silly girl! Drew and I are having so much fun watching her learn and grow and often wonder what we did for entertainment before she arrived!

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