Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Our Trip to Utah

On Saturday, April 16th Ava and I started our long journey to the land of Utah.  We left our house at 2:30 AM and Drew drove us to the Indianapolis airport for the first leg of our adventure, a flight to Kansas City.  Once we got to the gate I got Ava dressed and fed her right before we got on the plane.  There was extra room on the flight so I was able to put her in her car seat next to me.  Here she is on the flight looking like the awesome traveler that she is.
And that my friends is where the awesomeness ended.  Ava fell asleep right after I took this picture so I was just resting myself when all of a sudden Ava started to cry.  I looked over at her and she looked really weird and very pale.  Then, out of nowhere she just started puking.  Not spitting-up, that's way too mild of a term for what this was.  She literally was projectile vomiting ALL of the milk she had just drank before the flight.  It just kept coming and coming and all I could do was grab a blanket and burp cloth and try to catch as much as a could.  After she was finally finished she was a happy girl again slept for the rest of the flight.  However, all of that milk she had just puked up must have pooled in the bottom of her car seat because as I picked it up to exit the plane it spilled out all over the airplane seats and all down the aisle!  I was mortified!  The flight attendant told me not to worry about it so I just left it all there.  SO GROSS!  Needless to say, Ava's car seat got a thorough cleaning later that day and I learned to not feed a baby a whole bunch right before they get on a flight!

We spent the day with Drew's family in Kansas and had a great time.  We had a bon fire in the evening and roasted marshmallows with Drew's Uncle Mike and Aunt Kelly.
 Ava with Grandpa Andrew

 Grandma Linda and Ava
 Drew's little brother Caleb with his marhsmallow goatee (he was pretty proud of it!)
 That evening was Drew's brother Adam's prom.  Here he is with his date in front of the car he restored that he took her in.  (Don't ask me what kind of car it is . . . .a Chevelle maybe?)
 Here is Ava with Aunt Kelly.  I had to include this picture because apparently Kelly doesn't hold babies very often so this was a momentous occasion!

The next morning Linda, Ava and I packed up in the minivan and drove to Denver, CO.  We stopped and visited Drew's sister Stephanie in Manhattan, KS on our way.  It was fun to see their little family before their new baby arrived.
 Drew's niece Emma LOVES Ava and played so cute with her while we were there.
That night we stayed with Drew's Uncle Jeff and Aunt Jaime and had a great time.  The next day we drove the rest of the way to Utah.  It was snowing in Wyoming so the roads got a little scary but Linda handled it like a champ and we arrived there safe and sound.  Ava traveled so well.  She really didn't cry much at all.  When she got hungry she would just start to whine a little and so we'd stop and feed her and she'd be good to go for 4 more hours.  I'm so grateful for a baby that makes it so easy for me to travel to visit my family! Thanks Linda for the fun roadtrip!

1 comment:

Aubrey Dokos said...

After reading this post, Drew has informed me that Adam's car is a Ford Fairlane, not a Chavelle. Aparantley Drew's other brother Peter restored a Chavelle. I've never clamimed to be the car expert in this family. . .