Saturday, April 9, 2011

Ava's 6 Month Update

Believe it or not, Ava turned 6 months on March 20th. I know, I'm still in denial that 6 months have already gone by.  I feel like this month has been a big one - she has learned and grown so much.

 Here she is with her daddy at her 6 month check-up.  She is perfectly healthy and developing right on track.  Here are her stats: She weighs 16lbs 7 ounces and is in the 60th percentile. Her height is in the 80th percentile and her head circumference in the 70th.  
 Remember how her head is in the 70th percentile?  Well, this is a dress we bought for her last summer in Mexico and when I pulled out her 6 month sized clothes I thought we should try it on.  Yeah, no chance it was going over that big noggin of hers!
Maybe this picture seems a little strange, but I just had to take a picture of her back rolls!  Seriously, how adorable is that?  We love our little chubby baby!

Ava is now eating solid food - well, let's be honest, semi-solid.  She actually has done really well.  This is a video of her first bites of rice cereal.

Other updates include Ava being able to sit up on her own (which she LOVES) and she now has two teeth.  We were wondering why she all of a sudden started waking up screaming in the middle of the night, but on Friday, March 25th a little tooth popped through on her bottom gum and then yesterday, April 8th another one right next to it came through.  Hopefully we get a little break with the teething now so we can get more sleep!
Ava is such a happy baby and we just love making her giggle and smile! 


Denise said...

I absolutely LOVE this cute little doll you have! She has GOT to be the cutest child (next to mine, of course!!! ;) LOVE sent from me to you guys!!!

stephasauri said...

She is such a cutie! She slept during your Relief Society lesson today, until you started singing. When she heard her momma's beautiful voice she just woke right up and started looking around for you. So sweet.

Kori said...

Such cute pics! we are so excited to see you guys!

Nate and Nicole said...

So good to see you guys and especially the little mini-aubrey.